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Welcome to my Room!

Ah, hello! I wasn't expecting visitors. Welcome to my home on the web :) If you'd like, you can find out more about me just so you can know what you're getting yourself into, hehe.
Please keep in mind this website is under constant construction! There's a lot of stuff here that doesn't exist here. Those lousy construction workers never get their jobs done... Honestly, it's horrible.
P.S.: I suck ass balls at HTML. So I'm sorry if this website looks like ass balls on your computer.

Oh, great, you're gonna tell me about your lame-o website now?

Yes I am. I chose to create a website because of one simple thing: Customisab..ility... I don't know if that's a word but it is now. Customisability and creativity. I think current day social media websites aren't enough for me! I love profile pictures, banners, and bios, but what's is there anything better than being able to change ALL of it? I don't think there is such a thing! Most sites and apps nowadays are quite boring and monotonous and I can't get to know someone with a flat template that everyone else has, it all looks the same! Neocities is great, and I encourage you, the reader, to create a website as well and join me and many others in this wacky fun. Plus, you hate ads, right? You hate misinformation... right? You looove privacy. Right? So come on down!

Jesus Christ that was boring. Go fuck yourself, nerd.



31/7/24 HOME: Moved changelog. Edited like the whole home page.
LEPI: Check out for yourself!

17/5/24 ART: Finally created this darn page!

28/2/24 HOME: Changed the order of the updates section and added new webring.

15/2/24 HOME: Added Webamp. CHARACTERS: Redid the Characters page.

11/2/24 ABT. ME: Added Kins and Yunuses.

22/1/24 HOME: Added update box.

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Click my Pokemon, would ya?