Mido Lamia
Smart and proper.

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 14
Species: Alien
Kingdom: Lunar
Mido Lamia is a 14-year-old boy from the Lunar Kingdom. Hey, what a coincidence! He's also the prince of the aforementioned Lunar Kingdom! He takes this role very seriously. He wants to make his nation proud. He spends long hours studying and reading and dressing well and being polite just to make the Lunar people look good. He's not a particularly... emotive person, though. Unless with someone he's close to, such as Lepi or Kancorn, he won't really show much expression on his face or say anything. However, that's not to say he's a cold emotionless.. like.. wall. That'd just be rude. He's got plenty of emotion to offer, such as... a smile and a shake of the hand. A "How was your day?".

Along with being a prince, he also has the extra stress put on him of being known as the class nerd. He works hard to get good grades, always getting the best possible score. Sometimes they'd even have to update the grade scales just because he was so high up there. He takes part in all those extracurriculars, too: tennis, tutoring, student council, debate team, student ambassador, chess club, coding club... It's a mystery how he has the time for all these activities. He's even got... friends! I know, right? He's, like - Okay, you know those groups of girls that have, like, one boy in them, a boy who's not out as gay but, like, everyone totally thinks he is? Yeah, that's basically him. He doesn't spend much time with these friends during, say, lunchtime or so, however… usually just school group projects or a friend's birthday party. He has another friend outside of his main friend group, and in case you think it's Lepi, nope - it's a boy named Kancorn. Neither of them would say they're friends with eachother, but everyone else would disagree considering how much time they spend together, even if most of it is spent arguing. The time he enjoys the best is the time he spends by himself, either studying, finishing up any upcoming work, or reading a book. He is a favourite amongst the teachers, particularly the strict ones that most kids don't like. The chill, 'fun' teachers tend to think he's a bore. Which he is..
While everyone around him thinks Mido is this boring, uptight, academics-obsessed, proper, fancy boy, and while it is true, there's a part of him that wishes he wasn't so. He's fourteen, for goodness sake… Let him have some fun. He doesn't realise that, though. He thinks this is what he has to be, this is what he was destined to be, and if he isn't so, then what is he, really? He doesn't think he wants to be like everyone else his age, but really, it's all he wants. He doesn't know yet that he wishes he had a normal childhood, that he didn't spend it all worrying about a future that he never really had a choice in. Is there a point in getting so preoccupied with these things when he's destined to be the king?
Relationships with other characters
Other Information
I never meant for him to become the important character that he is today... His first appearance, ever, in Cultcraze history was at the back of the first comic on the first panel, seen lying dead, bleeding out, over a crashed spaceship's control panel. He was just meant to be a little easter egg.
His surname doesn't make so much sense as it used to. 'Lamia' comes from the word 'Lamiaceae', which is a family of plants such as mint, sage, etc... This was because, at first (or really, at... second), Mido's design was heavily... heh... plant-based... Heheh... It's not that funny, sorry.
also hes gay,