Pinturiy Shaseya ~! ^_^
Schoolgirl by day, masterclass yaoi fanfic author by night.

Pronouns: she/her
Age: 15
Species: Alien
Kingdom: Solar
Who am I ? I'm Pinturiy Shaseya, a 15-year-old girl from the Solar Kingdom !!! >3< I'm known by many as a total weeb freak, but 'many' is a total meanie! So don't listen to him! Even if he rips up your drawings and pours water on them and calls you names... T_T Urm.. Anyways... I love to draw and write, and I get really good grades in English cuz of my special unique talent in writing unlike anything that has ever been seen before at the school I go to
. I like to write fanfics, watch anime, play video games, and discuss all of that on online forums in my free time! You might be chatting with me online if ur also into that stuff (≧▽≦). I'm also very good at art, even though Many doesn't think so... One incredibly important detail I almost forgot to write is that I'm very pretty, with pink shimmering locks that fall atop my face, and I would brush them aside with my hands to reveal her hazel orbs that change colour depending on my mood. They're blue right now but like a light blue cuz I'm very calm and peaceful. If you ever see me IRL and you see some, like, antennae things on my head, they're NOT MY EYES. I HAVE BEAUTIFUL SHIMMERING EYES. ON MY FACE. NOT ON TOP OF MY HEAD.

I'm a lone wolNO SHES NOT LOL SHE JUST DUSNT HAVE FRIENDS XDDDDD -KANCORN Get off my computer, Kancorn! Ugh... Hey that reminds me. I have a totally mean and horrible friend named Kancorn Soldat who, I should reiterate, is super rude. He always makes fun of me! He thinks he's super cool and, like, the best person alive. Which sucks, cuz it's not true, and arrogant people SUCK. We all know I'm the real best, most talented, most beautiful person... But, *ahem*.. Back on topic. Yes, it's true, even though I'm so beautiful and talented, there are people who seem to hate me so much. Kancorn is one of those people. I really don't understand why they won't even give me a chance... I'm nice, I'm kind, I'm smart... They... They're probably just jealous. Yeah, that's it. They're jealous. Kancorn probably makes fun of me because he's a boy, so, you know, like, boys are scared of girls and all... Well, Kancorn's totally into boys, so maybe that's not the case for him.

Hey, that's about all I've got to write! I'll see you soon! Bye-bye!
Is she gone? ... She's gone. Okay. Don't ask who's saying this - it isn't important. But I need to tell you, something very important. Before you make your judgements towards Pinturiy for how she acts, what she likes. See, in Solar culture, there's an expectation on teenagers and young adults. They are expected to follow their parent's lives, specifically the parent of the same sex as the child. It's just a part of their culture nobody really questions. Mostly, the focus is on the parent's career choice and death; particularly death. Now, this is what stresses Pinturiy out: her mother died quite early on. She lived an exceptionally unremarkable life, and Pintruiy knows that despite her talents, she's expected to follow in her mother's footsteps... right into a noose. So, instead of choosing to idolise her mother, like most Solar youth, she instead looks to fictional characters and celebrities. It's never been common for someone to go against this tradition, and those who did were, historically, imprisoned or just harrassed. It's kind of dumb. But it's seen as very disrespectful. And nobody likes disrespect! But anyways... please don't be mean to Pinturiy. She's just a little girl, isolated from her peers, lacking in social skills...
Fun facts about me!
- I live by myself! Pretty cool, huh? Yep, it's been that way since I was a young girl! ^_^
- I can tuck myself into my own body! That's because I'm a snail girl. It's cozy in here! Want to join me? >3<
- My hair is edible! Found that out while I was in a boring maths lesson... Tastes like strawberry ice cream!
Comment Section

Xx_D3monByt3z_xX - 24 minutes ago

Xx_D3monByt3z_xX - 25 minutes ago

_kawaiisprinkl3 - 26 minutes ago
*pouts* kancorn... Can u shut up??!?

Xx_D3monByt3z_xX - 26 minutes ago

Xx_D3monByt3z_xX - 26 minutes ago

Xx_D3monByt3z_xX - 27 minutes ago

Xx_D3monByt3z_xX - 27 minutes ago
MidoLamia92 - 47 minutes ago
Dear Pinturiy,
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to express my appreciation for the drawing you created of Kancorn and myself; it is truly well-crafted, yes. However, I kindly ask if you might consider removing it from your profile as its contents make me feel a touch uncomfortable, and I have no doubts about how Kancorn himself may feel regarding his portrayal in the illustration.
Thank you for understanding. Have a good rest of your day.

BonesKleleto - 2 days ago

BonesKleleto - 2 days ago
hi its me bones ur page sucks and ur a dumb bitch and ur shit @ drawing