Mido Lamia

Smart and proper.

Mido Lamia is a 14 year old boy from the Lunar Kingdom . Hey, what a coincidence! He's also the prince of the afore-mentioned Lunar Kingdom! He takes this role very seriously. He want to make his nation proud. He spends long hours studying and reading and dressing well and being polite just to make the Lunar people look good. He's not a particulary... emotive person, though. Unless with someone he's close to, such as Lepi or Kancorn, he won't really show much expression on his face or say anything. However, that's not to say he's a cold emotionless.. like.. wall. That'd just be rude. He's got plenty of emotion to offer, such as... a smile and a shake of the hand. A "How was your day?".

Along with being a prince, he also takes school extraordinarily seriously. He's known for having very good grades and for being a tad annoying about homework. The popular group kinda, like, took him in cuz he's got fancy pricey clothes and homework help. Mostly the homework help. But that's not to say they don't care about him. He spends long hours trying to converse about deeper subjects than just... hot chicks.. and... cool shoes... yo. In particular, he has one friend, outside of the popular kid group but still in his age range, just so you don't think I'm talking about Lepi. It's Kancorn. I'll go into more detail about him later. He doesn't spend too much time with his friends during lunchtimes, after school, or free periods and such, he'd much rather sit in the library finishing up work, or studying, or sitting in the computer lab and testing out code. He is a favourite amongst teachers, but in particular the more strict ones. The chill and "fun" teachers tend to think he's a bore. Which he is.

He's got a weird relationship with Kancorn. I think most people would say they're friends, but they'd both HEAVILY deny that claim. Mido is... I wouldn't say for the idea of Lunar people and Solar people being friends. Kancorn feels the same, but he's a lot more outward about it. That's another thing. Mido really doesn't like loud and violent people, and Kancorn is just that. But even with all that they're still somewhat friends... Maybe in a more reluctant way, maybe a more violent, bullying way, but they still spend time with eachother. Mido sometimes tries to ignore that Kancorn is of the Solar Kingdom in an effort to try and find his strengths, and if you asked him, maybe he'd say he had at least a bit of respect for him. I'm not too sure about Kancorn, though...

Design history

Pronouns: He/him
Voice claim: Spyro (The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night)

  • He used to be this ugly little black-eyed boy you see here on my left. His name was Tucker and even after all these years he was still Lepi's best friend. He had telekinesis and he was a big fan of coffee, even though he was meant to be like, 12. I don't think 12 year olds like coffee. Also, I planned for him to lose his memory... almost right after being introduced... okay.
    1. His first ever appearance, like, ever, in Cultcraze history, was in the back of the first panel of the first (and 'lost') comic. He was originally just a dead guy in the background. That was it.
  • The name 'Mido' comes from 'midori' which is green in Japanese. I don't know why I chose Japanese, this was during a phase where all the names I chose for my characters were just taken random languages on Google Translate. Anyways, his surname, Lamia, comes from Lamiaceae which is a family of plants such as mint, sage, etc.
    1. The mint thing used to make sense, because in his previous design, he was very plant-themed, and he was mint-coloured.. Though, really, he still is. Perhaps that can just stay as a remnant of that

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