Pinturiy Shaseya ~! ^_^

Schoolgirl by day, masterclass yaoi fanfic author by night.

Pinturiy Shaseya(hey, thats me!! >3<) is a 15 year old girl from the Solar Kingdom . She's regarded by many as a total freak, but 'many' is a total meanie! So don't listen to him! Even if he rips up your drawings and pours water on them and calls you names... T_T Urm.. Anyways... She loves to draw and write, and she gets really good grades in English cuz of her talent in writing unlike anything that has ever been seen before at the school she goes to . She likes to write fanfics, watch anime, play video games, and discuss all of that on online forums on her free time. She's also very good at art, even though Many doesn't think so... One incredibly important detail I almost forgot to write is that she's very pretty, with pink shimmering locks that fall atop her face, and she would brush them aside with her hands to reveal her hazel orbs that change colour depending on her mood. They're blue right now but like a light blue cuz she's very calm and peaceful.

She's a lone wolNO SHES NOT LOL SHE JUST DUSNT HAVE FRIENDS XDDDDD -KANCORN Get off my computer, Kancorn! Ugh... I mean, get off Pinturiy's computer. As seen by that, uhm, weird glitch... Pinturiy has a totally mean and horrible friend named Kancorn Soldat who, I should reiterate, is super rude. He always makes fun of me! Oops, did I- uh, did that say 'me'? Sorry. He always makes fun of her and her art and stories. He thinks he's super cool and, like, the best person alive. Which sucks, cuz it's not true, and arrogant people SUCK. We all know Pinturiy is the real best, most talented, most beautiful person... But, *ahem*.. Back on topic. I guess Kancorn isn't the worst person on Demoy, cuz him and that blue posh boy from his class gave Pinturiy some great inspiration for her own original stories. That's a bit embarrassing to admit.. Anyways, another good friend of hers is this very nice boy named Bones, only 2 years older than her but, so, so much more responsible... Don't let the edgy name fool you, Bones is one of the nicest people probably ever.

Hey, I've only just noticed this, but the weird smelly girl with the anime shirt watching me type this is gone now! I don't have to deal with her annoying suggestions anymore! Like, oohh, you should add that I'm beautiful and talented and nobody appreciates my work enough! Like, come on... Get a life, girl! Well, now that I can write whatever I want, I'd like to touch on a subject that I feel like I wouldn't be able to if she was here. Just don't tell her to read to this paragraph. There's... a reason for her strange behaviour. As fun as it is to make fun of her, I don't want to go too far, because I know she's got a rough life. (Sigh) Okay, so, basically, in Demoy culture, there's like... this kinda, like, expectation that you have to follow the life your parents had. The current generation is starting to try and fight against this, but the large majority of the population still follows this. So... Pinturiy's mom was kind of, like, a horrible person. And she lived a horrible life. And she killed herself. Pinturiy is, obviously, scared that she's going to end up the same. So instead of idolising her mom, she'll instead try and be like a favourite character or a famous superstar... Which is kind of, y'know, frowned upon. So not that many people actually try and talk to her cuz, she's, like, weird, or whatever. Which sucks. Hopefully that rule gets abolished.

Now let's move on.

Pronouns: She/her

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