Bones Keleto

Antique archaeologist.

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 22
Species: Alien
Kingdom: Solar

Bones Keleto is a 22-year-old fossil enthusiast from the Solar Kingdom. He is fascinated by history and archaeology, following his father’s footsteps. He’s known by his peers for being unusually - unusually, for a Solar - kind, caring and sweet. It’s something he used to get picked on for but nowadays people love him for it. Along with his scientific and historical talents, he’s also very good at baking, a talent which he often uses to make little presents for his friends if they’re feeling down. Unfortunately, he isn’t perfect… his biggest weakness is using modern technology. Whenever he has to use a computer or a phone, he always has to get a younger friend of his, such as Kancorn or Pinturiy, to help him out. It’s something Kancorn always bullies him for.

Bones has always been very interested in his father, Keleto’s, work. Keleto was a fairly well-known xenoferologist and made great contributions to the area... Ever since Bones was a young boy, he would watch his father in his office or out doing fieldwork, and he would observe with great attention the structures of the fossils he watched him dig up. His mother was an avid reader, and thus had a wide collection of books in their house, a collection of which Bones would always search through and search for books about animals or ancient people. Along with more academic influences, his parents also shared with him their pacificistic ideals as they knew these would not be taught to him at school. These ideas were ones that got him kicked out of his high school debate club as he was considered too ‘radical’.

His closest friend is Iilusio Somnum, whom he met in the debate team at their high school. They both since left that group due to the harsh treatment they both received from their peers, but they became very close friends afterward. Coincidentally, after their graduation, they were sent to the same expedition team, so they had time to get to know eachother on a less academic level. Bones likes Iilusio due to their calm and quiet personality and he is one of the only people who really understands them, both literally and figuratively. Iilusio speaks a foreign language that has lots of connections to an ancient language Bones had been learning due to its prevalence in the artefacts he had been analysing, so Bones can somewhat understand when they speak. He tries really hard to learn the language in order to impress them. On the other hand, Bones is one of the only people Iilusio has opened up to, and they have said it's because he's such a calm and understanding person, he's not someone to jump to conclusions like most others do. Bones would probably do anything Iilusio told them, he's so loyal to them.

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Comment Section

BonesKleleto - 24 minutes ago

I dont think I know how t0 do that, Kancorn..
- Bones


Xx_D3monByt3z_xX - 43 minutes ago

u fags r pissing me off . block me now @BonesKleleto

posthumanoid - 4 months ago

You're welcome Bones <3
- Your friend Iilusio

BonesKleleto - 4 months ago

Oh Gosh Iilusio yor welcome!!!! I didnt thinnk yuoud bother to read it, hahaa..Sorry if I got a bit cheesyy hthere. Ssoryry for all of the "typos" in my messages my fingers are quite big..
But Iilusio gosh you are justs such a sweetie...Thankyou for your reply, you are so so kind, itss true.
- Your friend, Bones

posthumanoid - 4 months ago

Thank you for your message in your 'favourites' list It means a lot to me

BonesKleleto - 7 months ago

Ok Iilusio,
- Your friend, Bones

posthumanoid - 7 months ago

Good night Bones I am going to bed now so dont worry about me

posthumanoid - 7 months ago

A heart ? <3 Thats very cool Bones <3 <3

BonesKleleto - 7 months ago

Goodd mornig Iilusio! I always l0ve to see y0ur messagees.. <3 Do you see that?I learnt it from pinturiy! If yyou turn your head sideways and look, at it, then you see whta it is.
- Your friend, Bones

posthumanoid - 7 months ago

Good morning dear friend

BonesKleleto - 7 months ago

Oh Iilsuio! thats so nice..But dont tyou thinkyou should try to develop your skills insteaad of relying on an electtronic program?But that sure does sound interesting,IIlusio. It is amaziing how fast techcnology is advancing. Ccan you bring tht machine to me one of thesse days so i can see how it wrorks?
- Your friend, Bones

posthumanoid - 7 months ago

I found a translating program on Boogle today it will come in handy to help me write my letters to you

BonesKleleto - 10 months ago

Oh well I look forward to seeing itt!!!
- Your friend, Bones

posthumanoid - 7 months ago

That is a secret Bones You will see next time we hang out

BonesKleleto - 10 months ago

Did yyou buy it?
- Your friend, Bones

posthumanoid - 7 months ago

Today I saw a t shirt in the shop today that reminded me of you It had a drawing of a blue fish in a jacket just like the one you wear Bones

BonesKleleto - 10 months ago

HELLO IILUSIO! YOu can come whenever you like howevr we had madee plans for 13:30 reemember? I hope oto see yuo soon1!
- Your friend, Bones

posthumanoid - 10 months ago

Bones at what time do I come to your house today

BonesKleleto - 1 year ago

Kancorn, that was very rude.
- Bones


Xx_D3monByt3z_xX - 1 year ago

can u guys stop having these faggy conversations?

BonesKleleto - 1 year ago

I showedd the book to, Pinturiy andd she sadi that he reminnded her of me. Haha
- Your friend, Bones

posthumanoid - 1 year ago

The soldier I like how he was so determined to his principals even in the invasion He was a good man

BonesKleleto - 1 year ago

Who was your favourite charaacter??.
- Your friend, Bones

posthumanoid - 1 year ago

Bones I read the book you recommended me The one about the boy in the village It was very good